Fencing pictures

I just uploaded three photo albums of some fences we've completed for customers. Take a look. We're proud of our work.

Pruning blackberries

We pruned our blackberries last week. This was not a top and side pruning. We had to remove all the old canes that bore fruit this year. The dead canes are entry points for disease if you leave them. They have to be cut out, removed, and burned. So basically you have to kind of crawl along the whole length of the row and cut and pull. This is especially tricky on the thorny ones and I have the scratched arms to prove it! I put together a small photo album so you can see what we did. The plants look much better now. All the growth is up high so the picking should be much easier next year. I still need to come back and put some supports up for some plants that got too top heavy and fell over. Of course this only happened on thorny plants. Why?!?!?!

Zen speak

Sit straight, and before you buy your shoes measure your feet.

- Zen saying


Puppy dog was taken to the Humane Society of Gregg County today Hopefully someone will adopt him. He was a cute pup, but we just didn't have room for another pet. We had a sad little goodbye. He peed on me in the truck.

Building fence is what I do

Putting up a fence in Longview. Not a big job, but a job. Using Red Brand woven wire. Put up the first piece today. Looks good. Built the braces out of wood. They really look good. Hot as hell this afternoon. About 4:30 your head just wants to explode and I find myself cowering in a shady spot time after time sucking down water that a Rubbermaid cooler can't even keep cold. Tomorrow we are going to start at 6 am with the intention of being home when 4:30 comes around.

Dog droppings


Isn't he cute? As regular readers will know, two weeks ago a baby deer was dropped off. This weekend while we were out of town a new canine friend was delivered. No name, no number, no tags, no food in his belly.

As much as I'd like to adopt every animal that finds itself high and lonesome at Greer Farm, there is just no way. I have two dogs, one cat, and three kittens at my house. The three kittens were recently rescued from our barn and very soon two of them will be moving back there. My parents have three dogs, countless barn cats, countless barn animals (sheep, pygmy goats, geese, ducks, chickens, big deer, baby deer, pot-bellied pig). Then there are the cows, horses, donkeys, and regular goats. We start construction on the Ark next week.

If you or anyone you know would like to adopt this young, affectionate, cute little pup then please contact me. He just needs someone to love him. Location is no problem. We will find a way to get him to you.

Rain droppings

Got a little rain shower this evening. 15 minutes worth. As usual... better than nothing.


Been finishing up the perimeter fence at Rocky Branch. Soon we will have total exclusion of our nationwide nemesis... wild pigs. Or so we hope. After the boundary fences are up the next project will be a corral and a lane across the property. Then we'll get into some electric cross fencing and we can really start getting into rotational grazing. We had three inches of rain at RBGR last week and the pastures look completely different. Really nice and green. I think that our fertilization program over the last two drought years hasn't been for nothing. We may not have gotten much hay (no rain, no hay), but I think the minerals have helped improve the pasture. We have been using K-mag as our source of potassium. It is a naturally occurring mineral deposit that is also high in magnesium and sulfur. These last two are elements that are not in your typically NPK fertilizer program and I think that they have really been a benefit on our property.